Your Creative Writing Skills: 7 Tips to Excel

Creative writing skills
Improve Your Writing Skills

What Affects Your Writing

To improve writing skills there is a simple solution. Your Writing depends on how much you have read and written and digested it. This does not have to be official or published content. It could be about a hobby, a goal, almost anything. A guide of Points explaining different things about Rock Climbing, or a video you decided to put into words to refer later.
Creative writing is an art. It is not something that can be learned overnight. It takes time, patience and practice to become a good writer.

Creative writing is not always easy to do. It can be frustrating, challenging and even frightening at times. But there are ways to make it easier, more enjoyable and ultimately better.

The first tip is to read a lot of books and write every day. This will give you good examples of what good writing looks like, as well as giving you the opportunity to practice your skills in your own words.

For me, it was my Guide on how to do different Gym Exercises, the Diet, or even information on how to play a Sport they did not have in my School.You can focus on your unsatisfied need or needs to develop your writing skills. Anything that you can show as information which helps yourself in some way, or maybe something that helps to get information to grow in life.
Well, guess what, other people may share similar interests like you or people who could be in similar situations to you. People who could benefit from someone who has already done the research and gathered all the information in one place.
“ Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted ” Jules Renard 


Writing has different styles depending on the purpose of the writer. For example, blogging has a more casual tone compared to business writing which uses formal language.
Different styles are used depending on the subject of the matter or the field.

1. Expository writing: 

writing skills
7 Tips on How to Improve writing Skills

An expository writing style is used for reporting facts and is generally used for important research. Examples include nonfiction books, technical writing, and news articles. It could be some interesting facts about a person or place. It’s a summary of information found by researching different sources. Here is a good article on expository writing.
An example would be a tourism ad that showcases different facts and information about what the tourists would desire to see. It could include unique locations, information about historic monuments, unique cuisine, and where they will find it. Your writing skills will shine there.

2.Descriptive writing:

A descriptive style uses descriptive words and sensory details to paint a picture. Writers use this type of writing style for poems. Descriptive writing contains details to give life to your words and the scenario you paint with them.
You could describe touch, feel, the scent of a flower, the area the character is approaching. You could even just describe the atmosphere of the neighbourhood, how the character feels as he approaches comparing his former life with the new conditions he has to adapt . Learn more about descriptive blogs here 

3.Narrative writing: 

creative writing skills
Narrative writing

It is the style writers use for novels and screenplays. It’s used for stories and helps give our imagination the structure it needs to bring it to life. It can be used for both real events in story form or fictional stories made entirely by the writer. The writer can even incorporate real-world locations and cultures for inspiration.
It is a very exciting writing style and personally my favorite. Many writers use this opportunity to share their experiences, some stories even describe the author’s motivations in personal life, though that is not always the case.
You need to keep the readers captivated without the help of pictures and sound. The content and presentation will have to pull the weight. You can use their anticipation to keep them turning the pages as is done in many detective and mystery novels.
Here is an article for teachers and students to learn more 

4.Persuasive writing: 

A persuasive writing style is used to persuade the readers or concerned authorities towards an alternative way or approach and solution. This can be a request or plea with reasons explaining what the current consequences their current decisions will lead to, in terms of loss to a community or groups.
It can also be used by writers to convince readers, either by informing them about a restaurant and its food and conditions. Some even pick niches like food critique who travel around and try different foods and then write about them. Some are restaurant critics who use this to describe the overall experience of dining there instead of just the food.

This is how you do it, you sit on the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard”   Neil Gaiman

Tips to Improve Creative Writing Sills

 1.Clear the concept before writing 

Simplify it to the point that even a child could understand it. And that means you should research enough to answer the constant “what does this mean?” questions of a child. Not too much, as you do have to complete the article.

2.If You are writing about something complex, break it down

Complex things are just several small things merged to form something larger. Divide, read and form paragraphs on a single aspect of that subject. The more you research the more you can divide and the more you have to write. Make sure to not overdo this and tweak and change the Sub-headings (that the divide the information in), assure it is suitable to the target audience.

3.Anticipate Doubts and Questions of Your Readers

Try and answer most if not all the questions the reader might have regarding the topic. Try and think about it from the reader’s view. If you are writing on Boats for Celebrating Something, cover both technical as well as informal points. Like what will you need, what is unavailable, preparations for emergencies, in case you won’t have a supply of any goods, what you should keep in the boat, what not to keep.

4.Eliminate filler words and phrases 

These are phrases or words that contribute very little to the article. Your reader should be engaged when reading your article, they should not have to keep digging through filler just to get to the main content. This just means that your content is lacking directness or simplicity. Each paragraph and point should add something new to the article.
Observe when you are proofreading the article and see what you can remove, what’s not adding anything to the particular point.

5. Write short Sentences

Do write short and simple sentences of 10 to 15 words. When you are writing, make sure that your sentences are not too long. It is best to limit them between 10 and 15 words each. This way, your readers will be able to follow along with what you are saying without getting confused or having trouble understanding what you want to say.

6. Start a New Point With New para and New Line.

Now what has this got to do with creative writing skills? This makes reading, comprehending and remembering simple. When you are starting a new paragraph, make sure that it starts on a new line so that it is easy for the reader to see the difference between one idea and another.

7. Do not wait for the Inspiration to strike, Just Start Writing

Just go on writing with focus whatever comes to you. If your mental muscles and brain is not constantly on the task, the chances are you will never get inspiration. There is nothing like a writer’s block to encounter.


In short, writing like any other activity is not as hard as you think. Just understand the world of writing, see where you want to go, and just keep reading. As long as you keep pursuing it, it will lead you somewhere but it won’t begin until you start writing.

Because as you start climbing and keep trying, the mountain peak will seem lower each time. Good luck and I hope I was of help to you on your way.

More tips here :

Medium Articles Here :

YouTube Videos of Creative Writing :